Generation of reduced reaction mechanisms for heterogeneous flows in nozzles

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-112-6


Krioukov V. G.*, Abdullin A. L.**, Nikandrova M. N.***, Gasilin V. V.****

Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, 10, Karl Marks str., Kazan, 420111, Russia



Mathematical modeling of chemically non-equilibrium heterogeneous flows in nozzles of both solid engines and direct-flow engines with solid fuel is an urgent task of rocket engine theory. Such flows have a significant fraction of the condensed phase (possibly variable along the length of the nozzle), and are being initially described by huge reaction mechanisms. These features prevent the nozzle problems solution in a modern multidimensional formulation. These predicaments are being overcome in this article in two ways:

a) The condensed phase is being imitated by the “Large Molecules”, which allows consider it a gaseous substкance and include reactions with its participation in the initial reaction mechanism.

b) The initial mechanism is a priori redundant and includes many reactions that exercise minimum impact on the composition of the working fluid. They can be excluded practically without loss of accuracy in the characteristics computing. For this, various methods for reactions reduction can be used.

The presented article proposes a reduction procedure, consisting of two methods: DRGEP (Directed Relation Graph Error Propagation) and a method of linking with an adaptive threshold. The DRGEP method is focused on searching and removing from the reduced reaction mechanism only the substances with reactions engaging them. If insignificant reactions still remain in the mechanism, they are removed by the engagement method. The degree of the mechanism reduction depends on the reduction threshold ζL. The developed procedure requires a small amount of calculations and allows reducing the initial mechanism to a certain acceptable size, ensuring a controlled error in predicting the flow characteristics.

This procedure was applied to the task of reducing the reaction mechanism in the stream of combustion products of metallized fuel C + O + H + N + Al + Cl. The initial reaction mechanism included 33 substances and 68 reactions. The reduced mechanisms were generated at various thresholds of value of ζL = 0.02–0.12. For small ζL values, the reduction rate is = 5.0–6.5 with high accuracy in the flow characteristics predicting. Further, with an increase in ζL, the indicator increases significantly, but forecasting errors significantly rise. In the presented example, the most acceptable mechanism was generated at ζL = 0.08.


supersonic nozzle, heterogeneous working fluid, reaction mechanism reduction


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