Object images employing for air medium parameters analysis near moving objects

DOI: 10.34759/TRD-2020-112-12


Kartukov A. V.*, Merkishin G. V.**, Nazarov A. N.***, Egorov V. V.****


*e-mail: ankartukov@mail.ru
**e-mail: merkishingv@mail.ru
***e-mail: prapor068@gmail.com
****e-mail: skb-4@bk.ru


The tasks of monitoring, position assessing of the aircraft and interacting with the environment are of great importance in the aviation technology. At large distances, they are being solved mainly in the radio range (radar). At short ranges, the optical range methods are very effective near aircraft, since the wavelength is several orders of magnitude smaller and allows one to achieve high accuracy of the measured parameters.

Movement of various objects, such as a car, and plane, or a helicopter, is accompanied by their interaction with the air. The aerodynamic parameters of an object are necessary for calculating its speed characteristics and determining the possibilities for their improvement. Typically, the aerodynamic characteristics measurements are performed in wind tunnels employing the reduced models of the objects. The wind tunnel has a rather large and complex structure, requiring highly qualified service.

Registration of the aerodynamic parameters of the air medium occurring while the object moving is possible. Similar methods are used for the fuel quality analysis.

Employing the object images distortions allows obtaining all necessary information on the air medium parameters as well as the «clean» sky turbulence by relatively simple technical realization.

Further, a new technique for the fast and qualitative estimation of the moving object aerodynamic properties by distortions of the reference object image under the action of the turbulent wake. A set of reference objects installed along the path of movement allows determine the size of the turbulent wake, the impact of the structural elements of the object and evaluate their role in creating aerodynamic drag.

The illustrations to the article show the effect of a turbulent wake after a car travels on an image of a straight rail mounted on a track of movement. The white rod image blurred in its lower part, which is stipulated by the laminar layer transformation into the turbulent, is shown as well.

  1. Analysis of the results of the described experiments allows asserting that the electromagnetic waves of the optical range are sensitive enough to inhomogeneities of the air medium and can be used to obtain information on the “moving object-medium” system.

  2. The presented technique can be applied to analyze the aerodynamic parameters of new structural elements mounted on a moving object, without employing complex and expensive equipment.

Compared to the known technique of wind tunnels application, the described technique:

1) does not require manufacturing of a high-precision model of the object being studied;

2) does not require highly qualified servicing;

3) in some cases, an experimental study is possible, wich cannot be implemented in a wind tunnel (for example, for a helicopter);

4) does not require presence of the fastening and information retrieval elements in the working area, distorting the flow;

5) allows building 3D models of the “atmosphere-object” structure using a set of reference rails.


aerodynamic studies, laminar and turbulent flow, optical signal refraction, of image distortions analysis on the air medium heterogeneities


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