Analysis of gas-dynamic compression based on modified Crocco pseudo-shock model

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-113-05


Kartovitskiy L. L.*, Levin V. M.1**, Yanovskiy L. S.2***

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. Central Institute of Aviation Motors, CIAM, 2, Aviamotornaya St., Moscow, 111116, Russia



The article proposes a Crocco pseudo-shock model modification allowing evaluate parameters distribution while super-sonic flow transition to the subsonic flow in the structure of the mathematical model of the supersonic ramjet power plant with the deceleration zone.

Numerical simulation of the gas-dynamic parameters in the of the pre-chamber diffuser (isolator) channel of a specified geometry was performed. As part of modified Crocco’s model, the pressure distribution can be approximated by the orthogonal Laguerre decomposition

 where coefficients bj are determined by the numerical solution of the variation problem of minimizing entropy producing. For the adequacy testing of the modified Crocco pseudo-shock model, experimental data was obtained from experimental testing of a dual-mode ramjet engine combustor with a pre-chamber diffuser. Verification of the calculated pressure distribution along the pseudo-shock development zone using the principle of minimum entropy producing was performed by comparing with the generalizing experimental dependence. A certain discrepancy between the experimental and computed data can be explained by no accounting for the entropy producing processes, as well as by the effect of the heat-mass transfer processes on the parameters changes in the pseudo-shock structure. The original Crocco model employs the condition of constancy of the total pressure p* = const, which means


 This assumption does not produce an adequate result. Thus, the solution of the original Crocco model for the compression zone leads to the values of M>2.0 - 2.5 in the cross section of the dissipation layers confluence. From physical estimation, the Mach number should approach 1.0 in the confluence zone of the dissipation layers, which can be achieved by modifying the Crocco pseudo-shock dissipative model. The model is intended for parametric studies as a part of the ramjet mathematical models.


gas-dynamic compression, pseudo-shock, mathematical model, dual-mode ramjet


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