Semi-natural modeling of digital data transmission channel in the ultrasonic wavelength range

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-113-08


Gusev S. N.*, Miklin D. V.*, Moroz A. V.*, Sahno I. V.*, Sherstuk A. V.*

Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia



The presented work describes the laboratory installation for semi-natural modeling of the data channel in the ultrasonic wavelength range. Semi-natural modelling is understood as a study of a system on the simulating installation with real equipment elements inclusion into the model structure (in this case it is software algorithmic support of the digital receiver-transmitter track). The laboratory installation is meant for transmission line simulation of radar and optoelectronic information to the data receipt and processing point at the design stage. The purpose of the work consists in transmission quality improving of the spacecraft trajectory signal by the radar with the synthesized aperture antenna (SSAR). In the following, the SSAR laboratory breadboard will be developed, which will include the breadboard of ultrasonic SAR and ultrasonic data transmission system (UDTS).

The installation includes the hardware (PC, amplifiers, power supplies, ultrasonic sensors) and the software part. To create the Doppler effect in the channel, the possibility of linear or nonlinear (with or without acceleration) movement of the transmitter or receiver was realized. The receiver is implemented based on software signals reception and processing.

The result of the work is the developed laboratory installation of the OSPA integrated into the SAR layout based on the location acoustic complex, which allows obtaining the quality assessment of information packages transmiting.

The laboratory installation can be applied in scientific research and training when studying radio engineering disciplines.


semi-natural modeling, ultrasonic channel, software signals reception, digital quadrature receiver, frequency and phase frequency auto-tuning, bit error probability


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