Spacecraft crew life support control: systems approach

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-113-13
*, **, ***Scientific Research and Design Institute of Chemical Engineering, NIIchimmash, 14, Bolshaya Novodmitrovskaya str., Moscow, 127015, Russia
Automated control system (ACS) of life support systems complex (LSSC) is being described from the system approach position. The ACS and LSSC constituent parts are being regarded in aggregate and interaction between each other. Accounting for external surroundings, such as systems operating in conjunction with the LSSC, environment, the spacecraft sealed bay, crew and ground-based flight following services, is mandatory.
The effectiveness of the LSSC ACS developing and functioning is being defined by the great number of controversial criteria. The article suggests splitting all criteria into the three groups, so that criteria inside each group would not contradict each other. Three generalized global effectiveness criteria (GEC) were formed on this base. They are
– survivability, incorporating local criteria (LC), such as resource, reliability, etc;
– cost value, incorporating the LC such as energy consumption, weight, servicing time, material costs, etc;
– comfortability, incorporating the LC such as live environment parameters, interaction with crew, accommodation, operating modes, etc.
While extremum searching per each GEC, restrictions are imposed on the two remaining GECs.
The systematic approach sequence while the ACS developing:
– analyzing connections with higher-order system and external surroundings;
– analyzing the variety of effectiveness criteria, and developing the GEC;
– creating hierarchical structure of effectiveness criteria;
– system decomposition by the subsystems of less complexity; optimal solution search for subsystems in the LC structure, following from the hierarchical structure;
– optimal solution search for the entire complex system with ensuring extremum on GEC.
The first and second rank of importance criteria, such as sustainability, cost value and comfortability, were considered in the hierarchical structure of each GEC.
The suggested approaches to ACS for LSSC are realized while the new test bench design. The test bench is universal, and adapted (with minimum necessary changes) for refinement and maintenance of any life supporting system (based on physic-chemical regeneration processes) from the LSSC content. The test bench is described as applied to the oxygen regeneration system. The “Electron-VM” system is based on the oxygen obtaining by the water electrolysis technique, and it has been functioning onboard the International space station since 2000.
Simulation modeling of the ACS functioning, based on the “MARS-500” data, was conducted as a part of the suggested approach presentation.
The considered approach presents a technique for developing the LSSC ACC for a manned space object.
system approach, control, criteria of efficiency, standard bench, simulation modelingReferences
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