Technical state prediction of complex technical systems by the Berg algorithm and Bayesian networks

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-113-14
*, **, ***Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia
The purpose of the presented work consists in predicting the diagnostic characters changes and correlating them with possible type of technical state for undertaking preemptive measures while complex technical systems diagnosing.
The approach being proposed and models are based on the basic concepts and relations of reliability theory and technical diagnostics of systems. The source data represents information on the reliability (failure rate of elements, structural and logical schemes) of complex technical structures and diagnostic models linking the types of technical states and diagnostic features. The sets of conditional probabilities or distributions density are being pointed for the cause-and-effect relationships between types of technical states and diagnostic features, depending of continuous or discrete type of the diagnostic character.
The algorithm for predicting the values of diagnostic features proposed in the article is based on the Berg linear prediction algorithm. It is adapted and studied herewith for the main functional dependencies of diagnostic features. The results of diagnostic characters predicting are considered on the specific examples, and estimates of the forecast accuracy are given. The model based on dynamic hybrid Bayesian trust networks includes discrete and continuous variables, which describe the cause-and-effect relationships of types of technical states and diagnostic features, as well as the relationship of blocks (elements) in terms of reliability. The results of the logical-probabilistic inference indicate that the decision on the type of technical condition of a complex technical structure changes significantly when accounting for the forecast estimates of diagnostic characters.
The proposed scientific and methodological approach can be employed to create diagnostic software for modern complex technical structures with artificial intelligence elements.
Mathematical models of diagnostics considered in the article account for the connections types, elements reliability, as well as dynamics of technical states types and their relationship with diagnostic features, which can be both continuous and discrete. the Technical condition predicting allows implementing the proactive management concept, parry possible failures, changing the operating modes in advance, switching to backup elements, etc.
prediction, technical state, diagnostic character, Berg algorithm, Bayesian networkReferences
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