Routes optimization of continuous-discrete movement of controlled objects in the presence of obstacles

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-113-17


Bortakovsky A. S.*, Uryupin I. P.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The objective of the research consists in developing techniques for optimal routes forming of the aircraft flat motion in the presence of obstacles. The problems of aircraft control routes planning and optimizing are being studied currently with increasing intensity. The relevance of these studies is determined by the need for effective automated control of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) for various purposes.

The article regards the models of the flat motion of control objects along the specified map with obstacles with various quality functionals. The map represents a connected graph, which arcs correspond to the continuous movements of the object, its vertices correspond to the discrete changes of its state (switches), and the path connecting several vertices of the graph describes the continuous-discrete nature of the motion trajectory.

The first section considers the control object movement along the rectangular grid. The movement between two grid nodes is either uniform of uniformly accelerated. The movement direction changing in the grid nodes (turn) is considered to be switching. A number of the grid nodes is inadmissible for the movement due to the obstacles contained in them. The problem on minimizing the number of switches, response time or response time with account for the number of switches is being set.

The second section solves the problem on the flat movement optimization of the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The Markov-Dubins model was selected as the model of motion. The feature of the response time problem consists in the presence of intermediate conditions, i.e. the points on the map, through which the UAV trajectory should pass. This problem is being reduced to solving an aggregate of Markov-Dubins problems with additional finite-dimensional minimization.

The third section combines the two problems discussed previously in the first two sections. The UAV rational trajectory is being formed in two stages. Initially, the optimal polyline, i.e. the trajectory of movement on the rectangular grid with obstacles, is being synthesized. Then, the optimal Markov-Dubins trajectory is being built «atop» this polyline, and the vertices of the polyline serve as intermediate points for the UAV trajectory.

The result of this work is algorithms, allowing build rational routes of the UAV’s flat movement with many obstacles, such as in the city. It is difficult to solve the optimal control problem under such phase restrictions. Thus, application of the proposed rational control patterns seems righteous.


continuous-discrete motion, switches minimizing, optimal control, response time


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