Gas-dynamic computation of experimental installation for gas turbine engine section testing

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-114-05


Baklanov A. V.*, Krasnov D. S.**, Garaev A. I.***

Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, 10, Karl Marks str., Kazan, 420111, Russia



When designing test benches for of the combustion chamber sections testing performing it is necessary to perform gas dynamic calculation to determine parameters and characteristics such as the rate of fuel gas and air, the air velocity at the section inlet, and operational time of the experimental installation when employing a limited number of liquefied gas cylinders. It is necessary as well to know the range of a gas rate measurement and pressure on the measuring area of the gas main of the experimental installation to sel ect appropriate measuring devices

The combustion chamber section represents a 1/14 part of a full sized combustion chamber and consists of an outer casing, inner casing, a flame tube with a frontend device, in which the nozzles are installed. The fire tube is bounded by side cooling walls on both sides. Nine nozzles are being installed in the combustion chamber section.

The test bench includes a source of compressed air and a central main line leading to the section. Gas is being fed to the section collector through the fuel-feeding system and then to the flame tube head, which distributes it among the nozzles.

The following was determined fr om the computation results:

  1. The operation time of the experimental installation when employing one fifty-liters cylinder of the compressed gas.

  2. The excess-air factor was revealed, at which the temperature of hot gases in the combustion chamber section, operating on propane, would correspond to the T4* = 1110 K.

  3. The air rate value necessary for obtaining the air velocity at the section inlet, which is equal to the air velocity at the combustion chamber inlet under the engine conditions.

  4. A value of the gas rate to equip the gas main with the appropriate flow-metering device.


combustion chamber; gas turbine engine, nozzle, combustion chamber section, experimental installation


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