Mathematical model for operability diagnosing of flying vehicles at crack-type faults

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-114-09
*, *, *, *Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Recently, the acute issue of the possibility of orbital space vehicles flight prolongation after colliding with the object of technogenic origin, which may lead to sealed structures damaging in the form of surface micro-cracks arises.
The urgency of this problem will enhance in the oncoming years due to the current tendency of near-Earth space contamination increasing by technogenic particles. In this regard, failures diagnostics of flying vehicles with the damages if the form of cracks becomes of vital importance, since it will allow substantiating terms of space vehicles staying in orbit to fulfill the set task.
The article studied the issues of diagnostics of the flying vehicles’ sealed compartments with through micro-cracks functioning. The authors obtained equations allowing describe regularities of changing of the working medium leakage from sealed compartments through the through cracks, depending on their changing geometry. The algorithm of plotting regularities of the working medium leakage from the sealed compartments change in the presence of developing the through cracks in their shells was developed. The article presents typical regularities of the working medium leakage through the through cracks in time. Computational results of the compartment depressurizing depending on the through crack length, the degree of its opening, as well as free volume of the sealed compartment are presented.
The results, obtained in this work, allow solving the inverse problem for the instrument and habitable spacecraft compartments. Having the telemetry data on the gas state parameters (pressure and temperature) inside the compartment and these parameters changes with time, a possibility of diagnosing micro-dents characteristics under conditions of the orbital flight emerges. This, in its turn, allows assessing the time margin for the leakiness localization, or taking decision on the emergency landing of manned spacecraft.
The results of this work allow more quick failures diagnostics of flying vehicles operating under conditions of of the near-Earth space clogging with objects of natural and artificial origin.
crack, leak, air-tightness, diagnostics, operability, aircraft, sealed compartment, mathematical model, residual lifeReferences
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