Method and technique of wireless data transmission in multiprocessor systems for non-stationary exchange objects

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-114-13


Borzov D. B.1*, Dyubryuks S. A.1**, Sokolova Y. V.2***

1. South-Western State University, 94, 50-let Oktyabrya str., Kursk, 305040, Russia
2. Lavochkin Research and Production Association, NPO Lavochkin, 24, Leningradskay str., Khimki, Moscow region, 141400, Russia

*e-mail: bоrzоvdb@kursknе


The article considers data transmission improving in multiprocessor systems for movable objects using wireless data transmission between processor objects (software). The authors developed method and techniques for wireless data transmission with the ability to account for the movement in space of objects of exchange, which ensures increase in the multiprocessor systems performance and a reduction of the communication delay total value. With account for the task specifics, the authors perform the tasks place (programs, subroutines, files, etc.) between multiple software of a multiprocessor system, accounting for the current distance between the software, thus reducing the total communication delay, increasing the productivity and speed of the entire task performing en masse. The proposed ideas are supposed to be employed in critical multiprocessor systems (tracking, observation, aiming, control systems, etc.), when the extraordinary situation time in the system should be minimal. The proposed method and technique for wireless data transmission in multiprocessor systems for movable objects of exchange allows make conclusion on the possibility to design an appropriate algorithm and a specialized device for application in critical purpose multiprocessor systems. It contributes to the reduction of the communication delay total value and concurrent increase in multiprocessor systems performance.

The authors accounted for the problem of computing systems (CS) compatibility and its architecture with the structure of the processed tasks, manifesting itself in the fact that any CS performs the assigned task only for a certain class of algorithms and methods. The assumption was made that the structure of the task and the architecture of the system did not correspond to each other, and the performance of the entire CS was minimal. As far as there is no structure that processes the tasks of various types equally well, several types of topologies, matching up a certain type of algorithm, are used while computing systems developing. Thus, both the CS topologies and methods of their accommodation should be considered within the framework of this work to achieve maximum performance. The authors of the presented work account for the fact that the CS is based on wireless technology. Thus, the performed analysis of such communication methods’ protocols allowed revealing compatibility of their connection with topologies.


wireless network, Wi-Fi, processor objects, information exchange algorithm, method and technique of wireless data transmission, non-stationary exchange objects, task placement


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