Experience of developing personal bibliographic retrieval system, oriented on specific area of scientific or engineering knowledge

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-114-16


Filimonov I. A.

e-mail: lja199@bk.ru; ilafilimonov@mai.education


The article regards a case of personalized bibliographic retrieval system, as well as the examples of its application. The system is accommodated with the resources of the AI Corpus scientific publication, established at the Pole Allen Artificial Intelligence Institute. It complements such retrieval systems, as Google, and by engaging of certain open components can be extended by the functions of searching, referencing and analyzing of a higher level. The author proposes an approach, allowing perform a two-stage information retrieval, i.e. by the search in the Global Information Bank, and thereafter by the fine search within the boundaries of the information asset being retrieved with regard to the special areas of the system user interests.

To clarify of the problems of this article, a partial classification of informational systems by the nature and role of the informational retrieval being performed in them was proposed. The basic requirements to the implemented system were formulated. A technique for scientific documents passports cataloguing was proposed. The author performed comparative analysis of the implemented system with the general-purpose retrieval systems. Systems of information analysis services for a specialist in the area of software engineering are the research objects, dedicated to the problem under discussion. Physical purpose of the study consists in implementing experimental individualized bibliographic retrieval systems for both scientific and technical workers. The implemented system can be employed as well by the scientific and technical personnel for search, selection and analysis of scientific documents in the field of aerospace engineering.


search engine, resource collection, two-stage search, bank of scientific publications, user interface


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