Biometric authentication methods application for automated control systems employing keyboard handwriting

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-114-18


Solomatin M. S.*, Mitrofanov D. V.**

Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia



Information technologies development in many areas of human life activity led to the necessity of automated systems for any process control. The task of information protectiveness, which enters, processes and stored in these systems, becomes up-to-date as well.

Earlier, it was noted in the works that, in our opinion, application of the intellectual detector of the information protecting system in the automated control systems, was up-to-date.

One of the intelligent detector subsystems is the authentication subsystem within the information system. Let us take a closer look at the biometric authentication. These systems are based on unique biometric specifics of the particular person. They can be divided into dynamic ones, which are subjected to changes with time, and static, remaining unchanged.

They can be divided into dynamic, which are subject to change over time, and static, which remain constant.

With authentication in the automated control system, we suggest employing user’s keyboard handwriting, which refers to the person’s dynamic characteristics.

Under the keyboard handwriting we understand a set of dynamic characteristics of the working with the keyboard. The standard keyboard allows measuring the following timing characteristics: the time of holding the pressed key and the time interval between keystrokes.

With this authentication technique employing there is no need to purchase extra expensive equipment. It becomes possible to read user’s dynamic characteristics, using a conventional keyboard that comes with a personal computer, and special software.

At present, three basic authentication algorithms based on the keystroke handwriting are being employed. These are analysis while password entering, analysis, based on entering extra text fragment or phrase, and constant covert monitoring. Each of the algorithms has its pros and contras. System development complexities, operation time, and requirements to the computer speed can be highlighted as the common differences.

Operation of each algorithm is based on comparison with the reference behavioral model.

During operation in the system training mode the user enters certain test phrases, which were prepared in advance and should be changing with the with the passage of time. The text phrases selection is an important stage, since it is necessary to collect sufficient amount of statistic information close to real operation.

After the learning mode, the estimates calculated based on statistical information are compared with the reference ones during the period of the system normal operation at the stage of identification. On their basis, a conclusion is made on the keyboard handwriting parameters match or mismatch.

When statistical data obtained in the course of work differs from the reference behavioral model by more than the value set by the protection system, the user gets a refusal to work, and protection system generates a warning message.

Thus, in our opinion, the user authentication application in automated control system employing the keyboard handwriting is prospective.


automated control system, information security, information system, information systems security, biometric authentication, keyboard handwriting


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