Measuring laser-location characteristics of aerial object

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-115-05


Khmarov I. М.1*, Egozhukov R. A.1**, Markushin G. N.2***, Koshelev A. V.2****, Kanivets V. Y.3*****, Kondrashov N. G.3******

1. Research center (Tver) of Central Research Airforce Institute of the Russian Defense Ministry, 32, Afanasy Nikitin emb., Tver, 170026, Russia
2. Stock company “Production association “Ural opto-mechanical plant» named after E.S. Yalamova”, 33b, Vostochnaya str., Yekaterinburg, 620100, Russia
3. Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia



Experimental-theoretical and experimental studies of the laser-location characteristics (LLC) of aerial objects are up-to-date scientific and practical tasks while creating promising and modernizing conventional active optoelectronic information devices, as well as in solving the problem of optical visibility reducing of objects.

Direct measurements of the objects LLC herewith are important for of experimental and theoretical methods, as well as mathematical models verification, and for information capabilities of laser devices evaluation. Of special importance is the study of objects’ reflection characteristics in the presence of various factors in the structure, associated with the objects application conditions (physical phenomena concomitant with the flight, the adverse effects of environment, physical fields and etc.) in the presence of the objects onboard optical-electronic devices (OED) and a translucent space-scattering of fragments (not amenable to the rigorous mathematical modeling).

However, when performing semi-natural and full-scale measurements on open routes there are difficulties associated with calibration (standardization) of locational signals reflected from remote targets, with the technical difficulty of creating laser measurement channels (LMC) with rather large linear dynamic range, and with measurement estimating inaccuracy.

The authors consider the methodological apparatus and devices solving these problems. They provide full-scale measurements of the air objects LLC in flight employing a near-infrared (IR) laser measuring complex (LMC) as a part of a multi-channel optical measuring system (MCOMS).

As the result, the authors developed and tested a method that implements of measuring and signals calibrating processes with a large dynamic range on open routes. Techniques for aerial objects’ laser-location characteristics measuring on open routes using LMC as part of the MCOMS have been developed and tested. Measurements of the effective scattering area (ESA) of four targets were performed with the LMC as part of the MCOMS. Dynamic measuring range of the EAD data is no less than 0.01–30 m2. The LMC as part of the MCOMS is capable of measuring the targets laser-location characteristics with meteorological visibility range of 20 km at the distances of 0.2–20 km. Under favorable weather conditions, the relative inaccuracy of the ESR of aerial objects measurements was 15–30%, depending on the target type. The results of measurements obtained using the LMC as part of the MCOMS meet the requirements to this class of measurement systems.


effective scattering area, aerial object, full-scale measurements, laser measuring channel, multi-channel optical measuring system


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