Internet-protocols obfuscating encoding algorithms effectiveness measurement methods

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-115-12


Nevolin A. O.



Data encryption is not always possible today. In some situations attacker does not actually need to decode information – he just can organize DDOS-attack and turn attacked system off for a some (maybe long) time. If information system uses encryption protocols, it’s always a good hint for security analyst – if data is encrypted, that means than there is something important.

There are some ways to protect data and whole system – by alternative methods of secure data processing, digital steganography for example. A new method is protocol masking. In this way we encode some protocol so it looks like another. So attacker does not actually know what kind of information is transferred through channel that he is listening.

While encoding one protocol as another we must remember to keep it’s basic characteristic similar to referenced protocol. If we don’t, attacker can easily not only detect fact of masking, but also find out which protocol we used originally. So we need some metrics to describe measure of information “protectiveness”. These metrics can be, for example, statistical characteristics of protocol. If we keep them the same, the fact of protocol change will not be discovered by security analyst.

This article describes offered model of whole system. Also it proposes a models of attacker and legal user. Some strong mathematical measures of encoding efficiency are then introduced. They are based on statistical characteristics (commands or their parameters probability and other). Finally, some methods of XML-based protocols obfuscation are described and analyzed at the point of view of proposed characteristics.


information security, encryption, steganography, man in the middle, hidden dataflow


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