Evaluation technique for motion parameters determining accuracy of aerial target under conditions of covert surveillance

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-115-17


Zakota A. A.*, Efanov V. V.**, Gunkina A. S.***

Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia

*e-mail: 500vvs@rambler.ru
**e-mail: efanov55@mail.ru
***e-mail: volan100@mail.ru


The object of the study is the system for parameters determining of aerial target motion under conditions of covert surveillance.

The subject of the study is a technique for accuracy evaluation of indirect target motion characterization system.

The objective of the study consists in accuracy improving of aerial vehicle motion characterization based on recommendations elaboration for creating conditions to perform measuring process and measurement data processing.

In the process of this work execution analysis of existing approaches to target motion characterization was performed. It revealed that advantage of pseudo-triangulation technique lies in nonlinear equations reduction to algebraic system of equations. However, under certain conditions it does not ensure target motion parameters determining. The approach eliminating this drawback through introduction of the closing-in with aerial target law is proposed.

This technique ensures aerial target motion simulation, namely computing its coordinates arrays; measuring process simulation, i.e. computation of arrays of precise and containing accidental errors of locating angles values. Besides, this technique ensures preliminary measurement smoothing and angular velocity evaluation of aerial target sightline. It allows:

- Define approximately potential value range for approximation dependence coefficients;

- Perform parameter identification of aerial target motion at various approximation dependence coefficient values within the established range;

- Select approximation dependence coefficient estimation value by minimum variance of inadequacy in calculated values of aerial target horizontal range;

- Characterize aerial target range motion with selected approximation dependence coefficient; measurement error assessment by spread in calculated values at different number of bearing measurements;

- Computation cycle repetition with increase in number of measurements in the case of exceeding spread in range estimations of its preset error value.

While computation performing the initial data is aerial target motion trajectory characteristics; the carrier acceleration value; the number of grouped measurements; total limit number of measurements, root-mean-square deviation in aerial target bearing measurement results.

To check capabilities of the said algorithm a series of numerical experiments was performed.

It was assumed while testing that the time interval between measurements wass , and . Results smoothing revealed the following:

- with rational choice of approximation coefficient value (in accordance with the specified procedure), discrepancy between approximation and real dependences was insignificant;

- approximation errors were by an order lower than the measurement errors.

It should be noted that the low error level while smoothing aws achieved at essential variances of approximation dependence coefficients caused by differences in measurement process implementations.

With the intent of justifiability check of the supposition on keeping the closing-in velocity constant, preliminary studies were being performed, during which parameters of the carrier flight were being determined by its flight simulation at the afterburning turning-on. This data shows that owing to the carrier considerable thrust-to-weight ratio, constant acceleration maintaining of a ≈ 4–8 m/s2 within quite a prolonged period of time is possible.

The technique testing results revealed that with the measurements number increase the range determining error fell and achieved the value of about 10% with the initial structure of the algorithm, and less than 10% at extra smoothing of the stored total data per each second of the measurement process.

The strongest impact on the results of the range determining is imposed by the carrier acceleration value and the interval between measurements.

The results of refinement and studies of еру fundamental algorithm for estimation of aerial moving target range are indicative of its high sensitivity to accuracy and amount of information being used. The relatively small size of the synthesized range linear interval (“range-finding baseline”) should be considered as physical reason of this effect.

The aerial target range and velocity estimation accuracy increases with adding to the number of notches. However, this technique requires significant time increase up to 20-25 sec per problem solution operation. Nevertheless, at present the passive sensors appeared, which are capable of measuring angular coordinates of aerial target with the time interval of t ≈ 1 – 10–2...0.5 – 10–2 sec.

With account for this, it is possible to perform multiple measurements of the desired data (angles) using “cluster” of indications when measuring angles of discrete angles.

Based on these results recommendations for creating conditions to perform measurement process and measured data processing were worked out. The proposed technique was employed for developing the method for air ordnance delivery in the environment of covert target observation.


aerial target movement parameters determining technique, algorithms for determining target movement parameters, accuracy characteristics


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