The effect of the wall heat capacity on the temperature stratification and pressure rise during natural convection of hydrogen vapor in a vertical cylindrical vessel

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2021-116-02


Gorodnov A. O.*, Laptev I. V.**

Keldysh Research Centre, 8, Onezhskaya str., Moscow, 125438, Russia



As of today, Russian space industry announced several projects of new launch vessels, such as super heavy class rocket and the rocket with reusable stages, operated on liquefied natural gas as a fuel. Moreover, other countries, such as USA, China and the ESA members, announced plans of future missions to Mars and Moon. A considerable part of the future space missions depends on the possibility of effective long-term storage of cryogenic fuel components under lowered gravity conditions. The important role of cryogens in space flights is being determined by their widespread application as a fuel and in life support systems.

Due to cryogens’ very low temperatures, the tanks for their storage are extremely sensitive to the thermal flows from the environment caused by solar radiation, aerodynamic heating and conductive transference from the other parts of a spacecraft. External heating and the presence of microgravity lead to pressure raise and free-convective motions in the storage tank. The pressure rise rate is being accelerated by temperature stratification effect. This effect has been demonstrated in many ground and space experiments.

One of the most important problem in experimental cryogenic storage studies is scale factor. Most of experimental data was obtained with small-size fuel tanks. This leads to the problem of geometric similarity violation of the fuel tank wall thickness compared to the real rocket storage tanks. To estimate the impact of this dissimilarity, the article considers the problem of the wall’s thermal capacity and thermal conductivity impact on temperature stratification and pressure rise at the vapor non-stationary thermal convection in the closed cylindrical vessel.

Low Mach numbers approximation is being used to describe evolution of the vapor temperature, velocity, density and other parameters. Boundary conditions, defining parameters range, physical properties of vapor and a wall material simulate conditions of the experiment on drainage-free hydrogen storage.

A series of computations at various wall thickness values was performed using numerical method proposed by Quazzani and Garrabos. The computation data demonstrates considerable reduction in the pressure rise rate, temperature stratification value and convection intensity with the wall thickness increase. The obtained results demonstrate the possibility of considerable underrating of the pressure rise rate and other heat exchange parameters on the steam blanket of the tank, when the wall’s real thermal capacity and thermal conductivity are not being accounted for.


natural convection, low Mach number approach, homo-baricity approximating, drainage-free storage, steam blanket


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