Improving the efficiency of a matrix receiver in a complex signal environment based on a fiber optic delay line

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2021-116-08
Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI”, 5, str. Professora Popova, Saint Petersburg, 197376, Russia
A matrix receiver and receivers based on it are used to analyze signals over a wide instantaneous bandwidth. However, in a complex signal environment (CSE), the receiver input pulses are overlapped in time. This leads to errors in determining the time-frequency parameters of the pulses. Therefore, the article aims to improve the efficiency of the matrix receiver in the CSE conditions. For this, it is proposed to connect a broadband fiber-optic delay line to the receiver input. A circuit of the delay line with a delay duration tunable in accordance with the duration of the received pulse is considered. Using the example of the electronic environment generated by pulsed radars, an increase in the number of signals processed simultaneously without errors is shown. The increasing is at least 2 times when using one delay line and at least 3 times when using two delay lines. In practice, the signal environment is formed by radio emission sources with different duty cycles. So, the number of simultaneously processed signals can be orders of magnitude higher. An important for practice advantage of the considered technical solution is the possibility of modifying an already existing matrix receiver without significant design changes. Additionally, when increasing the number of simultaneously processed signals stored main advantage of the matrix receiver – high sensitivity as in narrowband scanning receiver with a broad instantaneous bandwidth of operating frequencies, like a multi-channel receiver. The presented approach to increasing the throughput due to one or several delay lines can also be used for other receivers used in broadband analysis tasks.
matrix receiver, fiber optic delay line, complex signal environment, complex electronic environment, wideband analysisReferences
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