Radio-navigational support of space solar power plant

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2021-116-09


Barkova M. E.

Joint Stock Company “Russian Space Systems”, JSC “RSS”, 53, Aviamotornaya str., Moscow, 111250, Russia



The main problem of article is accumulating and transmitting the solar energy to the receiving device with minimum power losses.

The purpose of this work is radio-navigational provision developing of the solar space power plant (SSPP).

This work relevance consists in increasing the number of the engaged renewables, including solar energy, and in the fact of the transmitting beam holding techniques deficiency.

The main shortcomings of the existing projects are excessive attention to technical issues to the detriment of energy transmission ensuring with the minimum losses.

The SSPP consists of the transmitting and receiving segments. The SSPP transmitting segment represents a one spacecraft (S) or the S-system. The receiving segment can be presented by a spacecraft in need of energy or the rectennaes, which represent nonlinear antennas for f the laser transmitted radiation transforming into electricity.

By the type of provision the SSPP are being divided as follows:

- Technical provision (the SSSP space segment parameters technical parameters);

- Radio-navigation provision (trajectory and spacecraft movement selection, on account of its structural specifics, coordinates determining of the points with rectennaes, segments synchronization).

The obtained results can be applied while spacecraft development and operation.

The author concludes that parameters determining of the SSPP radio-navigational provision allowed creating the energy transmitting modes.

The author’s unconditional credit consists in creating the invention named “Solar Space Power Plant”, and its technical and its radio-navigational provision.

Some algorithms of the SSPP parameters, and modes selection found application in the JSC “Russian Space Systems”.


space solar power plant, energy, broadcasting, targeting, technical support, radio-navigational support


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