Telemetric system for parameters control of chemical current sources

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2021-116-10


Balaban I. G.*, Balaban A. L.**

Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI), 132, Prosvesheniya str., Novocherkassk, 346428, Russia



The paper outlines the basic principles of building a telemetric system for monitoring the parameters of chemical current sources. A method of non-contact current measurement is proposed for ensure galvanic isolation, a distinctive feature of which is the use of three load resistors (shunts) in order to reduce the error in measuring currents of various magnitudes. The method allows to measure currents up to 120 A. Voltage measurement range: from 0 to +40 V, temperature: from 0 to +100 oC, capacities: from 0 to 511 A⸱h, insulation resistance: from 0 to 5 MOhm. The error in measuring current and capacity is not more than 5%, voltage and temperature is not more than 1%, insulation resistance is not more than 10%. The system operation algorithm is developed and implemented programmatically. The method for protecting telemetry information when monitoring the parameters of chemical current sources (CCS) is developed. Within the framework of the implementation of the strategy of import substitution in the economy of the Russian Federation, in the development of a telemetry system and control of parameters of chemical current sources, only domestic-made electronic components is used.

The research results can be used in the development of CCS condition monitoring devices used for power supply of autonomous devices for which there are no maintenance procedures during operation. The use of such monitoring tools will make it possible to analyze the operation of CCS in order to increase their reliability, determine ways to improve the equipment and establish the causes of its failures.


telemetry, parameter control, chemical current source, method of contactless current measurement, algorithm, protection of telemetric information, import substitution


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