Pilot-induced oscillations prevention through the nonlinear correction method

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2021-116-14


Zaitceva I. S.

Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 61, Bolshoy prospect V. O., Saint Petersburg, 199178, Russia

e-mail: juliazaytsev@gmail.com


The purpose of this article is to solve the problem of nonlinear correction device synthesis to prevent the pilot-induced oscillations in a compensatory tracking system. The oscillations discussed in this article introduce a negative phase shift into the system. Thus, a simple and effective solution to this problem consists in embedding a nonlinear correcting device into the control loop. The pilot actions in the compensatory tracking task are aimed at ensuring the cutoff frequency of the closed system, at which the control error will be minimal. The aircraft–pilot system optimization, based on the pilot’s ability to adjust his control performance parameters, is illustrated by the software developed with the MAtLAB/Simulink tools. The goal function is given numerically in the form of the cutoff frequency of the closed-loop pilot-aircraft system, which corresponds to finding maximum system performance. Frequency quality indexes, control accuracy, and pilot model parameters are numerically limited. The pilot-induced oscillations prevention is demonstrated by the example of an unmanned aerial vehicle control system. The human pilot is described by the McRuer “at the cutoff frequency” model. The values of a pilot model and nonlinear corrective device parameters were obtained. Frequency and transient responses of the corrected rate-limited actuator system are presented. Handling qualities of the optimal system were assessed using the bandwidth criterion and the index of the transient process performance. The proposed method can be employed in the flight control system design and flight performance assessment.


pilot-induced oscillations, nonlinear correction, aircraft, optimization, pilot model


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