Refined low-parametric model of the terrestrial pole motion

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2021-116-15
The terrestrial pole oscillations approximation refinement considered in the article allows approximation refining and propagating implementation of the small-parametric double-frequency model of the pole movement to the longer time intervals. Approximation accuracy improving while keeping the same number of the model parameters is of great significance. As far as it is impossible for the time being to predict the amplitudes relationship changing, as well as determine it in real time, the effect will always be detected behind the time, and it will fall on the approximation period for a considerable time, which will negatively affect prediction based on the basic model.
For the modified model, there is no need for the exact definition of the oscillation mode changing, and it is possible to be limited by the analysis of the resulting parameters of the pole modulation process without its subdivision into harmonics to solve the set problem. Establishing of the occurred changing of the average frequency over the harmonics modulation period with the delay to the extent, which is allowed by the ψ(t) function analysis is quite sufficient. For the modified model, there is no need for the exact definition of the oscillation mode changing, and it is possible to be limited by the analysis of the resulting parameters of the pole modulation process without its subdivision into harmonics to solve the set problem. Establishing of the occurred changing of the average frequency over the harmonics modulation period with the delay to the extent, which is allowed by the ψ(t) function analysis is quite sufficient.
terrestrial pole, Chandler wobble, Earth rotation parametersReferences
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