Vehicular flows monitoring on toll road sections based on the GNSS employing

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2021-117-06
1*, 1**, 2***1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. Group of Companies «RTI», 10/1, 8 Marta str., Moscow, 127083, Russia
Currently, the toll roads construction or organization of the toll roads on the already existing road network is a promising trend in the development of a high-quality road system. In the context of insufficiency of the budget funds being laid out in Russia for the toll road infrastructure development, the issue of attracting private investment for road construction has become acute. For investments attraction, the toll road system should be organized so that it would guarantee refunding of the committed facilities and sufficient profit margin to the investor for account of toll operation of the object, as well as economic concernment of the society, which would employ this system.
The obvious disadvantage of toll drive way systems with toll gathering points is the costly maintenance of the systems, both in terms of the entry and/or exit checkpoints equipment, and the involvement of full-time operators. The main disadvantage for the drivers is traffic jams creation at the entrance and exit of the toll road section.
To solve these problems, an electronic system of fees was implemented. With this technology implementation, the driver passes the toll plazas without stopping at a given speed. Payment is being made with special electronic systems. Today, the existing Russian systems have their drawbacks, such as inability to read heavily polluted or deliberately hidden license plates without transponders, as well as the lack of on-time payment guarantee of the drive way at the post-payment.
The purpose of the work consists in studying automated information systems that determine location of a vehicle by the Global navigation satellite systems GLONASS and GPS, to eliminate the above said problems peculiar to the electronic tolling systems.
Implementation of the ERA-GLONASS automated information data systems and vehicle monitoring systems opens up an opportunity to the electronic tolling system improvement. For vehicles with the above-mentioned systems, the approach does not require installation of additional equipment, and if the individual vehicle identifier is linked to the vehicle identification number (VIN) and its registration plate, it allows solving the problem of unreadable numbers. The absence of changes to the hardware on the car side allows also performing further modification of the system with device updates by simple flashing.
For this solution implementation, the machine (computer) code and previously released devices updating is necessary. The access point for vehicles registration at the entrance and exit of the toll road section are necessary to be installed herewith. Information transfer to the data processing center for the vehicles monitoring will be realized through the mobile GSM system. After data processing, a driver would receive a receipt for payment for the toll road section passage.
For the proposed solution verification, computation of the traffic being transferred from the vehicles to the GSM standard base station on weekdays and weekends/holidays based on the M/M/1 queuing system.
The article presents the obtained graphs of the distribution function of waiting time for a vehicle serving by a single station covering the toll road section. Inferences were drawn that the servicing waiting time would be less than 400 ms with probability of about 0.99 on both weekday and holiday.
The maximum number of vehicles served by one base station was computed as well. Thus, on a weekday, this number will be 118992, and on a weekend/holiday 161952 vehicles.
Thus, due to vehicles monitoring by the “ERA-GLONASS” and monitoring systems, which receive code signals from the Global navigation satellite systems GLONASS and GPS to determine the location, the barriers at the toll roads entrance and exit can be discarded. The solution will lead not only to the electronic passage fare system maintenance cost reduction, traffic jams reduction at the entrance and exit when transition to the electronic paying system with minimum costs.
The proposed modernization can also act as an independent system, and allows also improving the existing electronic fare payment systems in Russia to reduce the likelihood of unpunished free drive way, which opens up an additional opportunity to attract investment for construction and maintenance of the toll roads.
“ERA-GLONASS”, vehicle monitoring system, toll road, queuing systemsReferences
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