Method of formation of thermal-resistant screening coatings on a surface of carbon - carbon heat-shielding materials.

Aviation technics and technology


Bashilov S. A.1, Nikitin P. V.2*

1. RMC “Proekt – tekhnika”,
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Carbon - carbon Composite Materials (CCCM) on the majority of the thermo-physical and other characteristics can be attributed to the category of the most perspective materials which will find wide application by development and creation of planning space flying devices of new generation.

However in such aspect CCCM it should be characterized not only high thermal stability, but also other optimum properties, for example, by a high degree of blackness of a surface of a heat-shielding coating (εw > 0,85) at its low catalytical activity (Кw <1,0). In this article science bases of the high-technology techniques of formation of thermal-resistant heat-shielding coatings on surface CCCM by improvement of the "εw - Кw" properties are analyzed.


heat aerodynamic; heterogeneous stream; heat; gas dynamics parameters; heat protection; catalytical property; optical properties

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