Methodology of Multi-Criteria Evaluation of National Research Institution Development Programs

Economics and management


Piyavsky B. S., Abdykerov S. *

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Awarding a higher educational establishment with a National Research Institution category implies a compulsory fulfillment of a series of parameters, stated in the Ministry of Science and Education regulations. To meet the compliances for an educational establishment’s development plan, a multi-criteria methodology is developed, that helps to estimate the use of different development programs proposed by diverse departments of the institution. This methodology is based on a successfully used technology of multi-criteria decision-making and allows to produce the choice and compilation of an optimal development plan for a higher educational establishment over a number of consequent years.


multi-criteria choice, methods of decision-making, decision support systems, managerial decisions

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