Creation ultralight armor materials for aircraft and ground forces

Mechanical Engineering


Smirnov M. , Malyugin A. S.

Gas turbine engineering research and production center Salyut, 16, Budennogo av., Moscow, 105118, Russia


One of the modern directions of laminates hybrid structure is the creation of new synthetic armor with low specific gravity and minimum zapregradnym shift at high dissipation of impact energy, low penetration and high cyclic survivability.
These materials are required in the aviation engine building, in the manufacture of airframe (aircraft) and helicopters, the production of anatomical body armor, armored assault helmets, mounted passive and reactive protection of mobile ground equipment, storm barriers, blast containers and many others. etc.
The authors of the project developed a constructive-technological method for rigid panels made of soft poliaramidnyh materials while maintaining all the original properties of the fibers contained a polymer with high impact resistance.


synthetic armor; poliaramidnye materials; body armor, carbon nanomaterials; bronepanel

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