2010, no. 39

Economics and management

Yuldashev A. A.
Opryshko N. V.
Dmitriev S. A.

Mathematics. Physics. Mechanics

Htun H.
Smerchinskaya S. O., Yashina N. P.
Romanov V. A., Rybackov K. A.
Zakalyukin I. V.

Radio engineering. Electronics. Telecommunication systems

Repin A. I., Merkishin G. V., Popova L. V.
Blagov A. V., Privalov A. Y.
Bardin D. S., Karpuhin E. О.
Bolshov O. A.

Aerospace propulsion engineering

Nesterenko V. G., Matushkin A. A.
Buyukli T. V., Shorstov V. A.

Theoretical engineering. Mechanical engineering

Leferov A. A., Kupriyanov N. D.
Ermilov Y. I., Ravikovich Y. A., Klimenko A. V., Kholobtsev D. P.

Space technics and technology

Kolesnikov A. V., Paleshkin A. V.
Gorelov S. L., Zayar S.

Technical cybernetics. Information technology. Computer facilities

Ignatskaya I. V.

Aviation technics and technology

Ivakha V. V.

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