Urgency and problems of increasing efficiency of a piston internal combustion engine with direct injection of water.

Theoretical engineering. Mechanical engineering


Leferov A. A., Kupriyanov N. D.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia


Urgency and problem of increasing efficiency of a piston internal combustion engine by recycling of heat of the exhaust gases are considered in this article. Classification of modes of recycling of heat of the exhaust gases is spent. Prospective advantages of direct injection of water are defined. Patent search of decisions for direct injection of water is spent. Result of patent search is classification of modes of direct injection of water (steam) and choice of the most perspective decisions. The current state of problem and most important questions demanding decisions are defined.


internal combustion engine cycle; direct injection of water; recycling of heat


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