Combining the generated radar images with a digital map of the area in on-board systems for operational monitoring of the earth's surface

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2021-117-08


Sentsov A. A.1*, Nenashev V. A.1**, Ivanov S. A.2, Turnetskaya E. L.1

1. Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, 67, Bolshaya Morskaya str., Saint Petersburg, 190000, Russia
2. Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics, 21, Sadovaya str., Saint-Petersburg, 191023, Russia



The article considers the problem of combining the radar image generated by the onboard equipment of a small aircraft and a digital geographical map of the area, taking into account the heights in real time. To solve this problem, we use methods of correlation-extreme image matching, methods of high-precision on-board monitoring, methods of image matching and processing. To implement a system for the operational display of current location information received by radar equipment from the sides of small aircraft, it is necessary to combine radar and topographic (optical) images into a single information field. To do this, you need to find the appropriate functional transformation in order to overlay the actual data generated in real time on the geographical map. For this purpose, an algorithm for combining the radar image and a digital map of the area based on the correlation-extreme method has been developed. To solve the condition of the algorithm for finding a small aircraft at a point from the confidence square, a criterion for combining four pairs of reference points is proposed. In the case of an insufficient number of reference point pairs, the algorithm provides for the use of a unique pair, which allows you to perform a primary comparison of the contours of characteristic reference points and calculate preliminary estimates of the components of the error vector of navigation data. The software implementation of the above-mentioned algorithms on programmable logic integrated circuits can be performed using parallel calculations, which allows for a mode that is close to real time. The results obtained can be used to update topographic maps of the earth’s surface, for environmental monitoring of areas of high attention, as well as for the implementation of autonomous navigation of aircraft during operational search and rescue operations in areas of emergencies and natural and man-made disasters. The results of the work are adaptable for processing images obtained in different spectral ranges and combining them with a digital map of the area in order to increase the information content of the information obtained.


radar image, digital map of the area, image combination, small aircraft, location information, real-time mode


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