Development of Complex Measurement Navigation System Algorithms of Aerial Application Based on Domestic Hardware Components

DOI: 10.34759/TRD-2021-117-09
*, **, ***Company “Arzamas Research & Production Enterprise TEMP-AVIA”, 26, Kirov str., Arzamas, Nizhny Novgorod Region, 607220, Russia
The article is devoted to the development of new methods and improvement of existing methods as well as analysis means of data processing in aircraft navigational systems. Particularly, are present an analysis of results of theoretical and applied data processing method development and research as a part of Comprehensive Measurement Navigation System are considered in the article.
The concept of the system is developed: taking into consideration application specifics, available limitations and level of accuracy and functionality requirements, hardware component is realized completely on electro- and radio-articles of Russian production. As raw data sensors the following sensors are used: inertial sensors (compensating silicon accelerometer, solid state wave gyroscopes), pressure transducers (static pressure transducer, total pressure transducer), navigation satellite system receiver and analogue magnetometer.
The system structure synthesis is performed, main data communications between data sources are determined in terms of available constraints and level of accuracy and functionality requirements for Comprehensive Measurement Navigation System. Possible data interconnection is conducted; as a result, methods and algorithms are established for quality improvement by means of measurement error reduction of flight and navigation parameters:
– autonomous compensation algorithm of gyroscope error;
– method of data fusion from inertial and barometric sensor;
– method of data fusion from inertial sensors and satellite navigation system.
The results of abovementioned method researches are performed using mathematical and semi-realistic simulation, as well as by ground tryout of the Comprehensive Measurement Navigation System test item.
Research data showed that developed solutions and methods of data processing allow to produce measurement navigation system of aerial application with required specifications based on Russian hardware components.
satellite navigation, inertial navigation, data fusion, Kalman filter, inertial-satellite mode, baro-inertial mode, hemispherical resonator gyroscopeReferences
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