Complexity of algorithm for data source determining
DOI: 10.34759/trd-2021-117-12
*, **, ***South-Western State University, 94, 50-let Oktyabrya str., Kursk, 305040, Russia
The article deals with the problem of complexity assessing of the procedures for determining the incoming information blocks source. The algorithm for processing the blocks analyzed by the receiver, implementing the data source identifying method, is described. The method is based on incoming blocks unification on the receiver side into the structured sets, and checking for these blocks certain logic values, being computed on the assumption of these blocks content and certain a priori information, known to both the source and receiver. The blocks, incoming to the receiver, are being buffered and then unified into the structured intersected sets. This sets form a tree-type structure in the receiver memory. Analyzing this structure, the receiver determines that structured set, which was formed by the target source.
The article shows how the number of these sets, being formed, affects the incoming blocks analyzing complexity. A mathematical model for assessing typical operations, executed by the receiver while the incoming blocks checking and their appending to the corresponding side branches of the tree structure, was developed based on the theory of probability.
Functional dependencies between the probability of the side branches of the tree structure forming and their length and parameters, used while organizing interaction between the source and the receive were determined.
Mathematical expectation of the number of operations executed by the receiver to analyze the contents of the information blocks service fields was estimated, based on the obtained probability estimates. The dependencies between the characteristics of the information systems, in which the considered identification method is implemented, the service information fields size and the number of elementary operations were determined. Based on the obtained results, the space of receiver operating parameters was partitioned into the ranges, in which the dependence of algorithmic complexity on the number of data sources can be approximated by various functions. The range where complexity increases linearly with the number of interacted elements of the information system growth was determined as operating range. This makes the studied method more preferable compared to the known ones with power and factorial complexity, especially when identifying the sets of large the data blocks.
data processing, message receiver, algorithm complexity, performance, mathematical modelingReferences
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