Application of numerical method in improvement of fuel atomization characteristics of combustion chamber

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2021-117-19


Mingalev S. V.*, Kazimardanov M. G.**

"UEC-Aviadvigatel"JSC, 93, Komsomolsky Prospect, Perm, 614990, Russia



The article is devoted to the research of approach to getting the drop-diameter distribution, the spray angle and the localization of kerosene flow inside an air-assisted atomizer by simulations performed with the coarse meshes, which are not fine enough to accurately imitate turbulence and with the level of mesh refinement that are not high enough to make the value of drop diameter independent on the mesh cell size. The simulation of fluid in the air-assisted atomizer, which was patented under the number RU2615618, was performed using ANSYS Fluent by the volume of fluid method in two configurations: 1) The five-degree sector on the mesh with minimal sell size 25 μm and 2-time, 3-time and 4-time adaptive mesh refinements at the gas-liquid interface, 2) The full geometry with fuel channels and swirlers on the mesh with minimal sell size 125 μm and 2-time adaptive mesh refinement. The last approach is the main way to simulate the atomization of fuel in air-assisted atomizers in UEC-Aviadvigatel JSC. Comparison of the results reveals that the value of spray angle doesn’t substantially depend on the minimum mesh cell size. Regarding the diameters of droplets, it plunged by more than 70% with the reduction of mesh cell size. Consequently, the simulation of atomization with coarse meshes gives the upper estimate of droplet radius and this result can be of practical use, if the value is so small, that its reduction wouldn’t substantially influence emissions of NOx and the gas temperature after combustion chamber being yielded by the combustion simulation.


air-blast atomizer, computational fluid dynamics, simulation, combustion chamber, aircraft engine, volume of fluid method


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