Investigation of the fault tolerance of the optoelectronic navigation system of an autonomous spacecraft

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2021-117-20


Golyakov A. D.*, Richnyak A. M.**

Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia



The relevance of the topic of the article is due to the need to increase the autonomy of solving the navigation problem of promising spacecraft with a long period of active existence in the conditions of uncertainty of the existing disturbing effects of outer space. A promising way to combat these disturbing influences is the development and manufacture of fault-tolerant onboard systems of spacecraft, including onboard systems designed to solve problems of autonomous navigation.

The article provides a solution to the problem, the essence of which is to study the fault tolerance of the optical-electronic navigation system of the spacecraft, which can be used as an additional source of autonomous determination of the parameters of its orbital motion. The study of fault tolerance is carried out on the example of an optoelectronic navigation system of an autonomous spacecraft with a long active life, based on the zenith navigation method and containing two astronomical sensors, a local vertical builder, an altimeter and an onboard computer.

The main results of the work are the proposed indicators that allow us to assess the fault tolerance of the onboard systems of spacecraft. Using the method of mathematical modeling, the article shows the possibility of quantifying the fault tolerance of an on-board optoelectronic navigation system. The classification of fault tolerance indicators of onboard systems of spacecraft is developed, the ratio for calculating the conditional fault tolerance indicator is obtained, which allows us to evaluate the fault tolerance at known values of the failure probabilities of the components of the onboard system, and quantitative estimates of the fault tolerance indicators of the optoelectronic navigation system of an autonomous spacecraft are given.

The results obtained in the article are based on methods for assessing the fault tolerance of technical systems for various purposes, the theory of autonomous navigation of spacecraft, and methods for processing the results of navigation measurements.

The results of the conducted research can be used when it is necessary to justify the appearance of onboard systems of spacecraft with a long active life and the requirements for the fault tolerance of their optoelectronic navigation system, as well as when evaluating and monitoring fault tolerance indicators during the development and operation of these systems.


spacecraft, onboard optoelectronic navigation system, fault tolerance, influencing factors, single failure of a component part of the system


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