Frequency energy function in dynamic states estimation of technical objects

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2021-118-04


Eliseev A. V.1*, Kuznetsov N. K.1**, Eliseev S. V.2***

1. Irkutsk National Research Technical University, 83, Lermontov str., Irkutsk, 664074, Russia
2. Irkutsk State Transport University (IrGUPS), 15, Chernyshevsky str., Irkutsk, 664074, Russia



The article proposes a new approach to the dynamic properties evaluation of mechanical oscillatory systems, as calculation schemes for technical objects operating in modes of intense vibration loading.

The purpose of the study consists in developing ideas of employing frequency energy functions representing potential and kinetic energies ratio in a specific form based on the application of relations of coordinates in the free oscillations mode.

Technologies of system analysis and structural mathematical modelling, within which framework the block diagram of the equivalent in dynamic sense automatic control system is being correlated in mechanical oscillatory system, are used.

The article demonstrates that the design schemes of technical objects, represented by design schemes in the form of mechanical oscillatory systems, allow detailing perception about systems’ dynamic properties, associated with the objects’ dynamic state, defined by the spectrum of natural vibration frequencies in a wide range. Growing attention to the reliability ensuring and operation safety of machines and equipment predetermines the attention to the frequency properties of the systems and accounting for the specifics of theif formation and manifestation.

The authors propose a method for dynamic properties evaluation of mechanical oscillatory systems based on the frequency energy function, which allows determining the frequencies of natural oscillations and their dependences on the system parameters, depending on the so-called cohesiveness coefficient of amplitudes by the coordinates of the system.


mechanical oscillatory systems, block diagrams, frequency energy function, transfer function, inter-partial bonds, frequency characteristics


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