Technique of increase of noise stability of data transmission systems with binary phase-shifted noise-type signals in the conditions of action of noises with different spectral structure

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2021-118-08


Ageev F. I.*, Voznuk V. V., Khudik M. Y.**

Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia



Relevance of this work decides by need of increase of level of noise stability of data transmission systems on phase-shift noise-type signals to noises with different spectral structure on the basis of purposeful modification of time structure of the pseudorandom sequence used when forming such signals.

The purpose of article consists in assessment of character and extent of influence on noise stability of data transmission systems with phase-shift noise-type signals of time structure of pseudorandom sequence in the conditions of influence of noises of different type, and also development of the general recommendations about ways of increase of noise stability of such data transmission systems on the basis of purposeful modification of structure of PSP of the used signals.

As object of research in article data transmission systems with phase-shift noise-type signals in the conditions of action of noises with different spectral structure are considered.

Subject in article is the technique of assessment of character and extent of influence on noise stability of data transmission systems with phase-shift noise-type signals of time structure of pseudorandom sequence in the conditions of influence of noises of different type, and also the recommendation about increase of noise stability of data transmission systems on the basis of purposeful modification of time structure of PSP.

The practical importance of article is that on the basis of the developed technique of assessment of extent of influence on noise stability of data transmission systems with phase-shift noise-type signals of time structure of pseudorandom sequence in the conditions of influence of noises of different type, recommendations about purposeful modification of time structure of this PSP which results in the maximum distinctions in ranges of signal and noise which finally leads to essential increase of the relation signal / (noise + noise) on output of the coordinated filter, and according to and to decrease in probability of bit error in the accepted signal are developed.

It is reasonable to use the offered technique at solution of problems of justification of technical requirements to data communication equipment with phase-shift noise-type signals, capable steadily to function in the conditions of difficult interfering situation.


noise, noise stability, aggregate signals, pseudorandom sequence, the coordinated filter, the PSP generator


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