Trajectory signal modelling in the aperture synthesis radar based on optical images of the Earth surface

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2021-118-12


Gavrilov K. Y.1*, Kamensky K. V.2, Malyutina O. A.1

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. NPO Energomash named after academician V.P. Glushko, 1, Burdenko str., Khimki, 141400, Russia



The article deals with the development and research of algorithms for computer simulation of the signal trajectory in the aperture synthesis radar. It substantiates such modelling relevance, which is stipulated by the necessity to obtain radar images of one and the sane scene under various probing conditions. The radar images obtained thereby may be employed to analyze various synthesizing algorithms, trajectory instabilities, equipment errors and other factors affecting the quality of the resulting synthesized image.

These are the methods for direct and reverse forming of the trajectory signal. The first group of methods, in its turn, can use numerical methods of electrodynamics, or methods of geometric optics. The most appropriate approach is based on the methods of geometric optics, when optical images are used to form the amplitudes and phases of the trajectory signals of the probed scene, i.e. aerial photographs, photos from space, and etc. Based on this approach, trajectory signals and radar images synthesized on their basis were obtained when a continuous signal with linear frequency modulation was used as a probing signal.

The article presents the examples of the trajectory signals computer simulation and their corresponding synthesized radar images with high resolution (above 0.5 m). The trajectory signal simulation method based on optical images may lead to the synthesized images distortions, which appear in the form of alternating dark and light bands located horizontally and vertically. The conditions under which such distortions occur, as well as methods for their elimination, were determined. The reasons for the distortions appearance in the form of bands are, firstly, the discreteness of the reflectors’ location point in the optical image, and, secondly, the interference of the radio signals reflected from a group of closely located reflectors. In literature, the second phenomenon is called the speckle effect.

To eliminate distortion of the images synthesized on the basis of the described method for the trajectory signal simulation, the article proposes to adding a random phase component to the signals of point reflectors. This technique allows to forming the trajectory signals close to real signals.

The article also provides examples of the application of trajectory signal modeling to analyze the distortions of synthesized radar images in the presence of trajectory instabilities with different amplitudes.


aperture synthesis radar, trajectory signal, radar image, optical image, computer simulation


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