Technology modification for distance calculation between pairs of adjacent clusters in multilevel thresholding

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2021-118-14


Tanygin M. O.*, Dobroserdov O. G.**, Vlasova A. O.***, Ahmad A. A.****

South-Western State University, 94, 50-let Oktyabrya str., Kursk, 305040, Russia



The purpose of the study consists in developing a method, algorithm and models of authenticity enhancing of the information packets source identification. This goal is achieved by extra checking the content of a special service word that is a part of the data packet for falling into the value range dynamically generated by the receiver. As the result, the number of packets, being analyzed by the receiver while identifying the source of the structured set of information packets, reduces. The article demonstrates that reduction of the number of packets being analyzed leads to the probability of identification errors origin reduction. Models for identification authenticity evaluation were developed based Markov chains apparatus. The process of information packs acceptance by the receiver from various sources is presented as a random process, in which a part of the states corresponds to the data packets processing errors occurrence, while the other part corresponds to the possibility of the reliable packets processing. The model parameters are the values range width, used for checking the data packet special word; the probability of a single data block inclusion into the structured set; the length of the structured set of data packets from the single source; the total number of data packets being processed by the receiver. The article shows that application of the method of limiting the analyzed packets set being analyzed allows enhancing identification reliability of the distributed information systems subjects, which exchange data packets of limited size. The probability of identification herewith of false source, which formed a certain structured set of packets, reduces by two or three times. In practical terms, it allows reducing the size of extra service margins in each data packet. This, in its turn, allows reducing information excessiveness of the processed data, increasing the data processing speed by the receiver, and reducing the size of both internal register memory and random-access memory of the receiver.


Markov chain, mathematical modeling, messages receiver, network packet, identification


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