Experimental study of aerodynamic characteristics in a supersonic wind tunnel ST-3 using a software and hardware complex

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2021-119-06
*, *, *Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia
*e-mail: vka@mil.ru
The article considers the developed software and hardware complex for conducting weight experiments with the help of strain gauges, which allows automatically launching and measuring the forces acting on the model of the aircraft throughout the entire operation time of the supersonic wind tunnel.
Experimental studies were carried out using a supersonic wind tunnel of the aerodynamic laboratory of the Military Space Academy named after A.F. Mozhaisky.
Currently, the supersonic wind tunnel provides the most reliable data on the study of the force acting on the model when interacting with the incoming flow of aircraft of various geometric shapes. To ensure the study of the aerodynamic characteristics of aircraft in a supersonic wind tunnel, the question arises of the development, implementation and use of modern measurement technologies that will expand the range of experimental studies. One of the types of conducting aerodynamic tests is a weight experiment.
This paper presents the results of the development, implementation and application of a software and hardware complex for conducting weight experiments in a supersonic wind tunnel using three-component strain gauges.
The software package is implemented in the LabVIEW graphical programming environment, which is an application graphical programming environment used as a standard tool for conducting measurements, analyzing their data, and then controlling devices and objects under study. A computer equipped with measurement and control hardware and LabVIEW allows you to fully automate the process of physical research. Creating any program is very simple, because it eliminates many syntactic details.
The system for measuring the forces acting on the model in interaction with the incoming flow, based on the software and hardware complex, allows you to determine the experimental values of the longitudinal X, normal Y and transverse Z forces, the value of which determines the corresponding dimensionless aerodynamic coefficients of the model (Cx, Cya, Mz, K, Xd).
Because of the conducted experimental studies on a supersonic wind tunnel with the use of a software and hardware complex, it has shown its effectiveness. The efficiency lies in the possibility of plotting graphs in real time, obtaining the values of the aerodynamic coefficients in tabular data. Because of the implementation of the software and hardware complex, it allowed to reduce the time for preparing, conducting and compiling the report of the conducted experimental studies by half.
supersonic wind tunnel, hardware and software complex, strain gauge scalesReferences
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