Prototyping noise immune codes in communication systems with channels code division

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2021-119-11


Volkov A. S.1*, Solodkov A. V.1**, Suslova K. O.2***, Strelnikov A. P.2****

1. National Research University of Electronic Technology, Bld. 1, Shokin Square, Zelenograd, Moscow, Russia, 124498
2. National Research University of Electronic Technology "MIET", 1, Shokin Square, Zelenograd, Moscow, 124498, Russia



The article discusses a modified RS-code. The purpose of the work consists in developing a prototype of a shortened noise-immune RS-code using NI USRP-2974 for a CDMA-type system. The CDMA system is intended for information transmission in the air from a base station to a mobile one and vice versa. The subscribers operation in this system proceeds in the common frequency band and on one carrier while separation takes place by various code sequences application, which are being assigned individually for each channel. A shortened modified RS-code was selected for this partition.

The article presents both coding and decoding procedures of the modified shortened RS-code with both errors and erasure correction for the CDMA-type systems. The Euclidean algorithm was being employed for cutting computing time of the key equation. This algorithm automatically obtains a polynomial of error locators in parallel with the key equation solving. This algorithm was being executed with the predetermined initial conditions, and operational procedure was being changed depending on characteristic features of each iteration. The errors position search was performed by the Chen procedure, and their value by the Forney’s algorithm.

The article demonstrated that the shortened modified RS-code corrected errors and erasures being the part of signal-code structures in the communication systems with code division multiplexing under development. The codes are of maximal possible minimal distance for linear codes with similar length of both input and output blocks. The may be employed as well for the concatenated code creation with greater minimal distance. Prototyping of the shortened modified RS-code was performed using the NI USRP-2974 high performance stand-alone device with software defined radio communication (SDR) USRP for system design and deployment of next generation wireless radio communication systems. The discrepancy range of the bit error occurrence probability was found applying the RS-code. Graphs proving effectiveness of the error correcting method of the truncated RS-code by employing the binary channel with erasures were obtained



noise immunity, shortened code, noise-immunity code decoding, Euclid's algorithm, Chen's algorithm, error and erasure correction, block code, Reed-Solomon code prototyping


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