Depressurization loads analysis method for flange connection of pipes with metal Z-shape seal

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2021-120-05


Boikov A. A.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The article considers coupling of the pipelines by the non-contacting flanges, which is being pressurized by installing a Z-shaped metal seal into the connecting block. The issue of the coupling assessment necessity with a view to the seal edges breakaway from the flangesrsquo; surfaces is being put forward. This checkup should be performed prior to the tightness computing, since it may appear that the wedge-like seal edge breaks away from the seal surface under the impact of the internal pressure or axial external force, which leads to the impossibility of performing sealing functions by the assembly. Computational models applied by the author in the previous articles while obtaining expressions describing the pipelines flange coupling behavior with the Z-shape metal seal at the stage of both loading by the internal pressure and axial force were used. Derivation of expressions for the depressurizing loads is being based on introduction of other initial data concerning values of the force factors acting on the parts of the coupling. The reverse problem is being solved. Previously, the contact load was being defined through the known internal pressure and external axial force. In the present case, it is necessary to find the internal pressure of the external axial force, which will be the possible depressurizing load, by the known contact load on the detached edge. In the case of both with the internal pressure and external axial force, two possible values of the pressure and depressurizing force will take place, namely in the case of the upper or lower edge detachment. Minimum of the two possible values is being selected as the depressurizing force. As the result, the possibility will arise to define which edge will be the first to detach.


Z-shape seal, depressurization loads, tightness analysis


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