Depressurization loads analysis method for flange connection of pipes with metal Z-shape seal

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2021-120-06
*, ,Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
The article presents the studies of mechanical characteristics of a new composite material. The beam-shaped samples of rectangular cross-section from the laminar composite material were fabricated. The composite represents a pack of aluminum-lithium and fiber-glass plastic sheets of 0.3ndash;0.5 mm thickness. The effective elastic moduli of the composite pack obtained this way were determined by the experiment for quasi-static uniaxial tension. The basic dynamic tests were performed for cantilever beam samples made from the aluminum-fiberglass composite laminate for the freely damped oscillations. The freely damped oscillations were being excited kinematically by applying some initial transversal translation to the free-end section of the beam or dynamically by applying some transversal concentrated shock load. The gain-frequency characteristics of the samples of various geometric dimensions were obtained, and the peaks on the gain-frequency curves corresponding to the resonant frequencies of first eigenmode oscillations were revealed. The effective elastic moduli of the composite material were computed employing the obtained results. The damping factors of the studied composites were determined using the measured peaks widths in the vicinities of the resonant frequencies. The appropriate statistical analysis of the obtained tests results was performed, scattering of the results, corresponding to the samples of different widths was revealed. The exact solution to the direct problem on oscillation of the cantilever composite beam of laminated structure with the assigned physical constants was obtained for the accuracy evaluation of the obtained results. A model of transversal oscillations of the beam was developed, accounting for the transversal shift deformation, but neglecting the cross-section crimping deformation. The longitudinal and transverse translations of a point along the line, connecting the symmetry centers of cross-sections as well as the angles of rotation of cross-sections around transverse horizontal axe, are accepted as the model main kinematic variables. Relations for the deformations are written, and equations for both kinetic energy and strain energy of an oscillating beam are obtained. The appropriate equations of motion as well as their natural boundary conditions were obtained by the Hamilton variation principle. The boundary value problem for harmonic transverse oscillations of the cantilever beam was stated, and the corresponding characteristic equation for the frequency was derived. This equation is transcendental, and is being solved numerically. The complex moduli approach was applied to account for the damping effects. The frequencies and damping decrements obtained after the numerical-analytical solution of the direct problem of the beam oscillation are in good correlation with the test data.
experimental studies, laminated beams, aluminum-fiberglass composites, natural frequencies, gain-frequency characteristics, dampingReferences
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