Digital antenna array signal bearing accuracy improving

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2021-120-11


Pavlov A. N.1, 2*, Pavlov D. A.1*, Umarov A. B.1*

1. Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia
2. Saint Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint-Petersburg, Russia



In the course of the research and development works performing on a spacecraft creation and development (a small spacecraft in particular), the important and integral condition of studying the onboard systems capabilities of a small spacecraft consists in performing analysis and evaluation of its structural states architecture. These states reflect both functional and technological specifics of the small spacecraft control. One of the primary tasks associates with the necessity of structural and functional survivability evaluating of the subsystems and a spacecraft as a whole, which often has to be performed under conditions of uncertainty due to the impossibility of simulating the whole spectrum of the space medium conditions. With a view to the existing uncertainty, it is necessary to consider all possible modes of the system development or degradation while its separate elements failure, i.e. pessimistic, optimistic and intermediate scenarios. The structural analysis of the small spacecraft onboard system functioning begins, as a rule, with plotting a diagram of the object functional integrity, representing a logically universal graphical tool for the structural representation of the system objectsrsquo; properties under study. Functional integrity diagrams allow representing correctly both all traditional types of structural diagrams (block diagrams, fault trees, event trees, connectivity graphs with cycles) and a crucially new class of non-monotonic structural models of various properties of the studied systems. The functional integrity diagram of the small spacecraft onboard system allows graphical representation of logical conditions for their own functions implementation by the elements and subsystems of the small spacecraft. It allows representing also the modeling goals, i.e. logical conditions for the studied system property implementation, such as, the system reliability or failure, safety or accident emergence, these or that operation modes implementation of the small spacecraft onboard control system, etc.


small spacecraft, structural and functional survivability, motion control system, operating modes


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