Exergetic analysis of elements of thermostating systems

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2021-121-11
*, *, *, *Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia
*e-mail: vka@mil.ru
The subject of the research is the regularities of changes in the thermodynamic parameters of thermostating systems of rocket and space complexes, depending on the composition of their equipment. The purpose of the work is to improve the thermostating systems of special RKK equipment to ensure the specified heat and cooling capacity, as well as temperature to ensure and maintain the accuracy and stability of their output parameters. The article presents the main results obtained during the study. The exergic analysis of thermostating systems for objects of rocket and space technology has been carried out. Research has been carried out on the possibility of using heat pump installations for thermostating objects of rocket and space complexes, which allows obtaining energy of a higher potential using low-potential renewable energy from natural sources of heat or low-temperature secondary resources. The expediency of including a vapor compression refrigeration machine into the thermostatting system based on a heat pump installation has been substantiated. Conditions are formulated under which the use of a heat pump will be more profitable than the use of a chemical heat source. A method of comparative analysis of a heat pump and a chemical heat source is presented, the results of which showed that direct heating consumes approximately twice as much fuel as heating using a heat pump. A schematic diagram of a universal all-season thermostating system based on a refrigeration and heating unit has been developed. The work performed is theoretical and experimental. The provisions outlined in the work are the result of the analysis and generalization of the research results of Russian and foreign scientists in the field of thermodynamics and heat transfer, the theory of heat engineering, the theory and practice of operating thermostating systems for rocket and space technology, as well as the results obtained in the course of research on the topic of research work of organizations industry and military scientific organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The main research results can be used both at the design stage in the formation of requirements for ensuring the specified heat and cooling capacity, temperature conditions and improving the level of thermodynamic efficiency of various objects of special equipment of rocket and space complexes, as well as to ensure the required values of the output indicators of the elements of thermostating systems at the stage exploitation.
space systems, heat pump unit, thermostating system, exergetic efficiency, heat source, thermal power, thermodynamic efficiency, exergy, anergy, heating, cooling, energy efficiency, cycleReferences
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