The concept of high-precision trajectory measurements using a coupled system of an onboard optical arc meter-interferometer and optical laser beacons

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2021-121-15


Vernigora L. V.*, Sysoev V. K.**, Kasmerchuk P. V.***, Dmitriev A. O.****

Lavochkin Research and Production Association, NPO Lavochkin, 24, Leningradskay str., Khimki, Moscow region, 141400, Russia



As far as the transition to a submillisecond accuracy level of optical angle measurements in space is inevitable in the near future, and the joint use of an onboard space optical arc meter-interferometer and optical laser beacons will significantly increase the accuracy of measuring spacecraft equipped with beacons. The small mass-and-size characteristics of beacons and their low energy consumption allow retrofitting the devices already prepared for launch with optical laser beacons, without going beyond the limits of the spacecraft design mass saving.

A simplified version of the «OSIRIS» astrometric arc meter-interferometer of the microsecond accuracy level — the LIDA device for applied use is capable of achieving the accuracy of coordinates determining of the spacecraft equipped with optical laser beacons, almost four orders of magnitude higher than is currently achieved when near-Earth space monitoring. The LIDA arc meter-interferometer can be placed onboard a small spacecraft or be a passing load. GLONASS spacecraft observation by a space optical arc meter-interferometer of, provided they are equipped with optical laser beacons, will allow increasing coordinates accuracy determining of the spacecraft of this grouping to a centimeter level (or even better).

Spatial position measuring of a spacecraft in the interplanetary space is extremely important for correcting the spacecraft trajectory during interplanetary missions. Until now, there are still no autonomous navigation systems of this level. In search of an acceptable solution to this problem, the Americans are even making attempts to develop navigation principles for measuring pulsed radio emission of pulsars. Angular positions measurements of the spacecraft with the onboard optical laser beacon by a space optical arc meter-interferometer will lead to the errors by the position in the tangential direction even at the distances of one million kilometers, not exceeding the size of the spacecraft. These capabilities are unlikely to be in demand in the decades to come for practical navigation. However, they may be of interest to fundamental science, for example, to clarify the gravitational constant magnitude and the scale of the Solar System.


spacecraft, space interferometer, optical beacons, high-precision measurements


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