Methodology for monitoring the technical condition of onboard launch vehicle systems based on the processing of rapidly changing

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2021-121-18
*, *, *Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia
The article proposes a technique for monitoring the technical condition of on-board systems of space-rocket and technology based on the rapidly changing parameters processing on a time scale close to real. This technique novelty lies in the proposal of a new of quality indicators system, on which base the estimated characteristics of rapidly changing parameters are being selected for the technical condition monitoring of onboard systems of space rockets at the operational processing stage. The process of initial data preparation for the of diagnostic signs forming based on the rapidly changing parameters processing to analyze technical condition of the onboard systems of space-rocket technology at the operational stage is under consideration.
The task of rapidly changing parameters processing on real-time scale is being set, and both restrictions and goal function are being described. The authors propose a quality indicators system, by which the decision is made on one or another alternative selection. The article presents classification of methods for optimization problems solving, as well as optimization methods, on which basis statistical search method for the set problem solution was selected.
The system of indicators, which includes indicators of accuracy and efficiency of rapidly changing parameters’ characteristics processing option, as well as of the technical condition monitoring completeness indicator of onboard systems of space rocket-technology is disclosed.
The article solves the problem of the rapidly changing parameters processing option selection the best by the efficiency indicators with account for accuracy limiting, as well as by the technical condition monitoring completeness indicator of onboard systems of space rocket-technology. A practical example of this technique application in the object domain is presented. Certain characteristics of rapidly changing parameters of the space-rocket technology from documentation, as well as the set of initial data for the set of alternatives forming were employed as a practical example.
The developed technique includes a number of steps. At the first step, the initial data is being formed as a set of all alternatives. At the second step, a set of alternatives, reduced according to the accuracy indicator, is being formed from the one obtained at the previous step. At the third step, a set of alternatives, reduced according to the technical condition monitoring completeness indicator of onboard systems of space rocket-technology, is formed from the one obtained at the previous step. At the fourth step, the best set of characteristics is being formed in terms of completeness indicator, which can be processed on a real-time scale. At the fifth step, a set of diagnostic features from the characteristics of rapidly changing parameters is being combined with the existing set of diagnostic features. A new requirement for the telemetering program and for making changes to the instructions for evaluating the operation of on-board systems of space rockets is being formed at this step
A set of 26250 alternatives is presented as an example. The number of alternatives was obtained as the number of combinations from the ten characteristics of rapidly changing parameters extracted from the documentation on telemetry information processing of the Soyuz-2 launch vehicle, three methods of characteristics processing, five window functions, five options for window function size, five options for window function steps and seven options for processing nodes. This number is being considered for an example, since the Soyuz-2 launch vehicle uses 369 characteristics and much more other variables. A complete set of variables consideration is impractical, since it will lead to the need for about two million alternatives considering.
Inferences on the presented technique applicability in the object area to form diagnostic signs for the technical condition analyzing of onboard systems of rocket and space technology are drawn. The developed technique application is expedient for improving the algorithms for the technical condition analysis of onboard systems of space-rocket technology at the operational stage.
technical condition monitoring, onboard launch vehicle systems, control completeness indicator, optimization methods, rapidly changing parameters, real time scaleReferences
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