On the issue of the use of amorphous devices

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-122-01


Sofin A. P.*, Fedorova L. A.*, Sudar Y. M.*

Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia

*e-mail: vka@mil.ru


Amoeboid movement application in robotic and transport devices is associated with partial repetition of movements existing in nature. Design of prospective devices with amoeboid thrusters will require the research based on the dynamic computations of the object. Mathematical model forming therewith depends directly on the device structure and established option of its movement. The main tasks needed to be solved while such kind of propulsor design are set. A cylindrical body rolling along a rough plane was selected as the object. The external forces applied to the cylinder are being reduced to the resultant vector, which, together with the point of contact, determines the plane of motion position. The device body contacts with the rough surface via the protruding pseudopods. Its orientation in space may be altered by the liquid volumes moving inside the rigid hull, which allows changing position of the point of contact with the surface and the resultant vector of external forces.

The device movement in one of the planes is being considered in the course of dynamic computation. With this, the limit values of the force under which contact of the cylindrical body rolling both without and with sliding is being exercised, are being determined. The other problem being solved is associated with determining characteristics of movement of mass center of the hull and its rotation relative to the axis passing through the center of mass center.

The numerical study results reveal the presence of characteristic sections of motion determined by the selected parameters of the problem. The performed computations accuracy corresponds to the model being used.

The complex of kinematic indicators should ensure the forming of requirements for the control laws for the device being developed. Devices with amoeboid propulsors may be considered as bodies with a movable internal mass.

In the prospect, amoeboid propulsors may prove to be more efficient means of motion and transportation compared to the conventional wheeled and rotary mechanisms. The extremely low impact on the environmental objects associated with low ground pressure and trifling atmospheric emission should be considered the most important advantage of the amoeboid aggregates application.

A detailed study of the implementation options for each method of movement points at the significant number of their variety, and they are fully dependent on the concrete conditions and functions being realized. Along with the typical ones, the presence of the variety of transitional and combined forms of movement should be accounted for. Modern literature analysis allows soundly consider that the next stage of the studies development related to the amoeboid devices creation seems to be application of a device with basic hull shape in the form of a sphere.


mover, robot, movement, conditions, method, model, construction


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