Computer modelling of shock impacts influencing on flight consoles considering nonlinear properties of materials

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-122-06


Potanin D. V.*, Samokhin P. A.**, Zelenyi A. E.***, Yakovlev I. M.****, Samokhina E. A.*****

Experimental Machine-Design Bureau «Novator», Yekaterinburg, Russia



The prediction of strength characteristics of flight elements at the initial stage of design is important for constructions subject in use to shock influences. This paper investigates dynamic loads and strength characteristics of flight control console at disclosure and latching of a console. These loads arise on the initial site of flight because of blow about an emphasis. Calculation is made in dynamic module finite element software based on the explicit method of integration of movement differential equations. Suggest calculation model considers friction between components. Friction is set between between plugs and an axis, between an emphasis and the console, and also between a stopper and the console. Elastoplastic properties of materials the most subject to deformation of assembly details are simulated with use of the diagram of plasticity. As a result of the simulation, the reaction forces between the most loaded parts of the assembly, the maximum flight console scope and fluctuations are defined. The period and amplitude of cross fluctuations of the console and longitudinal fluctuations of a compartment mean fluctuations. The stress-strain state of a console as a part of a flight compartment is investigated in the conditions of short-term shock loading. Verification of calculation is carried out by means of comparison of modeling results with the values received at a natural experiment on disclosure of consoles by the pyrotechnic mechanism. The relative deformations of the emphasis and the compartment upon impact were measured by strain gauges. To register the rotation of the console, a video was taken. Good convergence of calculation results with a natural experiment is shown. Values received by a numerical method of calculation differ from results of an experiment less than for 8%.


flights, console, finite element method, stress-strain state, diagram of plasticity


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