Algorithm for determining the bias of coordinate estimates

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-122-10


Maklashov V. A.*, Piganov M. N.**

Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia



The article deals with the methodology for determining the radio emission source location in the tasks of electronic reconnaissance. To determine the radio emission source location, the azimuth direction finding from the aircraft is employed. It is noted that the previously proposed model allows determining the source location, however, it requires the zones of uncertainty calculating. The article shows that the need to calculate the uncertainty zones is associated with the fact that the error ellipse, calculated during models operation, requires an unbiased estimate of the source coordinates. The unbiased estimation obtaining while triangulation is possible only in symmetrical geometries, when the triangle formed while position determining is close to the equilateral one. In all other cases an estimation bias (the mean coordinates estimation value deflection from its true one) is being observed. As far as it is necessary to have bounded area of the most probable location of the radio emission source, the problem of this area plotting comes into being. The authors developed an algorithm for determining the radio emission source coordinates estimation bias relative to their true values for the uncertainty zones computing while using triangulation method for its location detection. Modeling of the radio emission source location determining process was performed. It was suggested to employ the basic TargetLocation algorithm to obtain the output data. It realizes the triangulation method. With this, three steps should be performed. These are triangulation base size computing; determining angles of the triangle; computing the source relative distances from the bearing points; determining the target coordinates. Basic simulation stages were performed in MATLAB. The following procedures were executed herewith: computing correlation coefficient and mean square deviation of the target coordinates; computing semi-axes of errors ellipse and angles between the X axis and the main ellipse axis; correcting the errors ellipse sizes. Analysis of the simulation results was performed, which revealed that the method consisting in measurements sorting out and ellipse sizes correction by the bias value yields the uncertainty zone encompassing true position of the radio emission source. The authors established that the presented method allows increasing the location determining accuracy. The bias value largely depends on the tactical situation geometry. Thus, in practice, it is necessary to know either analytical dependence of this bias on the geometry and measurement errors, or possess the table of these values. To obtain the above said dependencies, a large series of experiments conducting is required.


direction finding, radio emission source location, displacement of coordinate estimates, zone of uncertainty, algorithm, error ellipse, modeling


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