A full-wave simulation of onboard earth surveillance radar electromagnetic fields for an emc ensuring

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-122-11


Kozlov K. V.1, Volkov A. P.2*, Starovoitov E. I.1**, Popov E. V.1

1. Radio Engineering Corporation “VEGA”, 34, Kutuzovskiy prospekt, Moscow, 121170, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

*e-mail: alexander.p.volkov@gmail.com
**e-mail: vega.su


The use of onboard Earth surface surveying radar (including SAR) solves a number of tasks, which include the survey of the underlying surface, obtaining radar images of the terrain with a required resolution, detection of natural and artificial ground objects, operational mapping, etc. The installation of radar on board an aircraft is associated with the layout of various equipment in a confined space, taking into account the requirements of electromagnetic compatibility. Due to the fact that the strongest source of electromagnetic interference on board of aircraft is the radar, the assessment of its impact on the operation of the rest of the equipment is of paramount importance. The peculiarity of the UHF-band under consideration is that the wavelengths are comparable with the lengths of external and internal cable lines, as well as with the dimensions of the electronic equipment blocks. The paper presents the methodology of numerical modeling of the distribution of the electromagnetic field in the near zone, created by onboard radar of the UHF-band, designed for Earth surface surveying. For electrodynamic modeling of the electromagnetic field's distribution, the authors used a Finite Difference Time Domain Method. An assessment has been made of the electric field strength and current density induced on the electronic equipment block's housings located next to the active phased antenna array of the radar. These data can be used in works on electromagnetic compatibility of onboard electronic equipment. A description is presented of laboratory research schemes and the sequence of complex checks of equipment on the aircraft, associated major challenges. The authors separately considered problems arising during testing of satellite navigation equipment.


full-wave simulation, electromagnetic field, radar, aircraft, satellite navigation, electromagnetic compatibility


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