Principles for constructing an ultra-wideband communication channel on an unmanned aerial vehicle of a lightweight helicopter type

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-122-12


Titov K. D.

Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia



The article describes the relevance and state of development of an unmanned aerial vehicle of a lightweight helicopter type of the home-produced “Grach” series. By reference to application specifics of the unmanned helicopter with a wide range radio reconnaissance station as a objective load application, the requirements imposed to the control and data transmission system place on it were formulated. The compliance of the installed system with the requirements is analyzed, and technical, economic and operational advantages of the communication systems based on ultra-wideband signals are demonstrated. Based on the earlier studies, devoted to the issues of creating a lightweight helicopter type unmanned aerial vehicle, as well as generating, processing and studying ultra-wideband signals, specifics and principles of a ultra-wide band communication channel design, which determine technical appearance of control, data transmission and local radio navigation system being installed on the aerial vehicle were formulated. Technical characteristics of the control and data transmission system, associated with pulses generation and processing; the signals radiation, and noise immunity assessment of antennae systems; frequency range selection, signal width and type; the issues of the system placing on the flying vehicle, as well as assessing the possibility of local navigation system integration into the communication system were analyzed and proved. Inferences were drawn on the substantiated technical characteristics impact on the tactical characteristics such as communication range, flight time, takeoff mass etc.


unmanned helicopter, ultra-wideband signal, noise immunity, stealth


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