A dynamic model for assessing the effectiveness of scenarios for conducting aerial reconnaissance by an integrated spatially distributed reconnaissance aviation complex

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-122-16


Anan’ev A. V.1*, Ivannikov K. S.2

1. Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia
2. Joint-stock company “Scientific and production enterprise “Radar-mms”, 37, Novosel'kovskaya str., lit. A, Sankt-Peterburg, 197375, Russia

*e-mail: sasha303_75@mail.ru


Aerial monitoring (reconnaissance) piloted complexes application in the interest of operational strategic decision-making is of great importance for the State security ensuring. However, such complexes employing is often performed in extreme conditions stipulated by climatic (severe meteorological) conditions, the destructive effects of man-made disasters, the danger of air defense means employing by unlawful armed formations, conditions of armed hostilities waging, etc.

In this regard, the article proposes an integrated spatially distributed reconnaissance aviation complex, which, unlike the known ones, includes unmanned aerial vehicles, con-trolled by the onboard operators situated directly on the manned aircraft for waging and controlling reconnaissance (by air monitoring).

Application procedure of such complex has been considered for the most difficult case, namely aerial reconnaissance waging under conditions of armed hostilities while the ground situation disclosure two stages. At the first stage, under condition of radio signals receiving possibility, such as radio dis-tress signal, radio signals of the survey targets etc., passive radio and radio-technical reconnaissance is being waged with the technical capabilities of the piloted aircraft onboard sensors. At the second stage, supplementary reconnaissance and reconnaissance of the objects of interest is being performed by the optoelectronic and other means positioned on the unmanned aerial vehicles.

When proposing modernization of the aerial reconnaissance (monitoring) and basing on the system approach, it is important to apprehend how the solution being proposed will affect the system of a higher rank, namely executive, or, in a particular case, striking. For this, a dynamic model of the reconnaissance-strike actions process was developed. It represents a state graph with time and probabilistic parameters indication. The article shows the equations system solution based on the states graph in the form states probabilities time dependences. The article demonstrates the solution of the system of equations, which are formed on the basis of the state graph in the form of time dependencies of the probability states.

The proposed model wields significant commonality and may be propagated on the wide spectrum.


integrated reconnaissance aviation complex, unmanned aerial vehicles groups, Markov random process


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